Thursday, July 23, 2009


I guess I will start out by letting everyone know that doesn't already know, that Carson and I are expecting. I am 15 weeks along, and my due date is January 14th, 2 days after my birthday! So that is the most exciting news since the last post. Other than that, I preparing to finish up with school in about 2 weeks. I have been doing my externship at Three Rivers Family Medicine, and it has been really fun. I am no looking for jobs, not so much fun, but am excited to start working and making money again. Carson is still enjoying his motorcycle, he sadly had to leave it for 5 weeks in May and June to go to Oklahoma for the Marines. Other than that we are doing great. We did have an interesting experience this past Sunday. At 4 in the morning I was woken up by the sound of scratching on my bedroom window and kitty hissing at something. When I looked outside I saw a large fury animal trying to escape the window well. As it was 4 in the morning I could not tell what it was so obviously I took a picture of it with my camera phone and texted Carson, since he was away at drill. He thought it was a muskrat... boy was he wrong! Turns out it was a porcupine, it weighed probably a good 30 pounds. By the way, if a porcupine ever gets stuck in your backyard you should know that it is your problem to deal with, animal control will not come and get it for you because it is considered a nuisance and not dangerous?! Anyways, our neighbor had a trap so we trapped it and let it go out by the Yakima at the Richland Y. It was good times all the neighbors had to come and see it, because who knew there are porcupines in the Tri-Cities, I sure didn't, and how the heck did it get into my backyard but couldn't get out? Oh well here are some pictures of our prickly friend! So I have a better picture but it is not currently working, so I will post it when it is.